Monday, June 26, 2006

Dr. Deborah Serani

Dr. Deborah Serani: "I am a psychologist who specializes in trauma and depression. Current issues and articles that impact the human psyche will be presented here. The information provided in this blog is to be used for educational purposes only."

A Portrait of the Psych. To-Be as a Young Applicant

A Portrait of the Psych. To-Be as a Young Applicant: "Undergrad psychology student preparing for graduate school in clinical psychology."

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Outsider Art - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Outsider Art - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: "The term Outsider Art was coined by art critic Roger Cardinal in 1972 as an English synonym for Art Brut (which literally translates as 'Raw Art' or 'Rough Art'), a label created by French artist Jean Dubuffet to describe art created outside the boundaries of official culture; Dubuffet focused particularly on art by insane asylum inmates."

Food and Behaviour Research: Home

Food and Behaviour Research: Home: "Nutrition can play an important role in the prevention and management of many kinds of difficulties in behaviour, learning and mood. "

The Centre for Eating and Dieting Disorders

The Centre for Eating and Dieting Disorders: "The NSW CEDD is an online service with a number of important aims. First, to improve access to expert services for people who have an eating or dieting disorder. Second, we are committed to developing appropriate and effective prevention and early intervention programs in collaboration with consumer organisations. Third, we provide information, education and clinical support to health professionals from all disciplines and all Area Health Services around the State, who have taken on the care of someone who has an eating or dieting disorder."

SFNSW Home Page

SFNSW Home Page: "The Schizophrenia Fellowship of NSW Inc. is committed to
improving the circumstances and welfare of people
living with serious mental illness, their carers and relatives."

::NISAD::Home (sitemap) ::

::NISAD::Home (sitemap) :: NISAD is a non-profit, independent Australian medical research organisation undertaking world-class studies to understand the causes of schizophrenia.

Macquarie Centre for Cognitive Science

Macquarie Centre for Cognitive Science: "MACCS is a research centre funded by the Australian Research Council since January 1 2000 for the purposes of carrying out research and PhD supervision in cognitive science with a special emphasis on three domains of cognition: Psycholinguistics, Visual Cognition, and Cognitive Neuropsychiatry."

Elliott School Faculty Profile: Jerrold M. Post

Elliott School Faculty Profile: Jerrold M. Post: "Dr. Jerrold Post is Professor of Psychiatry, Political Psychology and International Affairs and Director of the Political Psychology Program at The George Washington University."

Anne Speckhard, trauma psychologist and forensic witness

Anne Speckhard, trauma psychologist and forensic witness: "Dr. Speckhard has worked as clinical and research specialist in the field of posttraumatic stress disorder for the past twenty years and has consulted internationally with victims of many types of trauma in the United States, Europe and the former Soviet Union. "

Prana Biotechnology

Prana Biotechnology: "The mission of Prana Biotechnology is to develop therapeutic drugs to treat the central disease pathways that cause degeneration of the brain and the eye as we age."

Health Matters - Library A-Z

Health Matters - Library A-Z: "Alzheimer's fact file"

Alzheimers Australia

Alzheimers Australia: "The peak body providing support and advocacy for the 500,000 Australians living with dementia."

Multiple Sclerosis Research Australia

Multiple Sclerosis Research Australia: "MS Research Australia has been established to resource these breakthroughs, and accelerate progress toward a cure for MS."
Multiple Sclerosis is on the increase and MS Research Australia was created two years ago purely to fund research into finding a cure. Much is already known about this debilitating disease so there is hope and scientists are poised to make important breakthroughs which may one day have a direct impact on prevention and treatment. During MS Awareness Week ... join the race for the cure by making a donation. Visit MS Research Australia for information and donations and look at for wristbands for sale on 9 June at rail stations.

Research Network on Early Experience and Brain Development

Research Network on Early Experience and Brain Development: "Several of our research projects examine the effects of early experiences on brain and behavioral development. Our most recent project in this vein is the Bucharest Early Intervention Project."

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Mind PodCast

Mind PodCast psykologian opiskelija käsittelee päivittäin oppimaansa blogissa ja podcasteissaan. Kiinnostava tapa opiskella ja käsitellä opittua.

Ed Beckham, Ph.D., Clinical Psychologist

Ed Beckham, Ph.D., Clinical Psychologist: "Ed Beckham, Ph.D., Clinical Psychologist: The purpose of this site is to provide information regarding coping with psychological issues using commonly accepted psychological principles. "

Dr. Beckham's Blog

AP Psychology Podcast

AP Psychology Podcast Adam Ronscavage, Denver, Co
I teach AP Psych, Psych, and Computers @ Lakewood High School. This is my 12th year teaching and I absolutely love my job!

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Kuuntele: YLE Radio 1

Psykologian aihepiirejä käsitellään ylen ykkösellä asiantuntevasti, asiantuntijoita mukavasti haastatellen. Erityisesti Reseptori ja Terveydeksi ovat suositeltavia. Mutta myös Risto Nurmen Luontoradio piipahtaa välillä ihmisluonnon puolella (lähetykset keskiviikkoisin klo 12.15 - 13.00, toinen lähetys perjantaina klo 22.05).

Yritän kerätä jatkuvasti myös radion nettiarkiston aarteita tähän blogiin. Ensimmäisenä löytönä Risto Nurmen Maammeradiosta:

Kuuntele netistä: Miten ihminen kasvaa ja kehittyy?

Lähetetty YLE Radio 1:ssä 10.5. ja 17.5.2006

Ihmiseksi kasvaminen ja minuuden kehittyminen ovat aiheina Risto Nurmen kahdessa maammeradiossa. Ensimmäisessä ohjelmassa keskustelukumppanina on lastenpsykiatri Jari Sinkkonen ja toisessa professori Liisa Keltikangas-Järvinen.

Risto Nurmen maammeradio. Lapsi - maamme paras tavara.
Lastenpsykiatri Jari Sinkkonen ja Risto Nurmi keskustelevat ihmiseksi kasvamisesta.
(Lähetetetty 10.5.06)

Risto Nurmen Maammeradio. Psyykkinen itsenäisyys.
Professori Liisa Keltikangas-Järvinen ja toimittaja Risto Nurmi keskustelevat minuuden kehittymisestä.
(Lähetetty 17.5., toinen lähetys perjantaina 19.5. klo 22.05)
Kuuntele/lataa (mp3)

: Risto Nurmen maammeradio

Heräsin, havahduin, mietin

Viimeisimmällä psykologian kurssilla havahduin. Tarvitsemme lisää tuottamista. Siis opiskelijat tarvitsevat. Lisää kokonaisnäkemyksen kehittämistä. Lisää erilaisia menetelmiä eritavoin oppiville. Varsinkin etänä psykologiaa opiskelevilla on suuri urakka ainereaalin kanssa. Pelkkä tietojen omaksuminen ei riitä. Pitää oppia ymmärtämään, vetämään johtopäätöksiä, analysoimaan, näkemään yhteyksiä asioitten välillä, yhdistämään teorioita käytäntöön ja selittämään käytäntöä teorioilla. Pieninkin aineisto, joka ei mittaa kirjaviisautta ja pintaoppimista, on Iso Juttu. Tarvitaan harjoitusta. Siihen kerään tässä materiaalia ja idoita.